DMZ Zeitgeschichte

I got a free example of the magazin DMZ Zeitgeschichte a couple of weeks ago. And I must say that I was suprised about the quality of the Magazin. I know that the owner and magazin itself has it contrversy. But if you have that in mind I think you will like the Magazin.
But for myself I had a very nice time reading the magazin. Ok there are some parts that I could live without, Modell building etc. But that´s me, I know that many are interessted of that kind of hobby.
The only thing I really missed in the paper was what you found in each number of Der Freiwillige and that was the page “Wir Trauern um unsere Toten kameraden” it had big valuable to myself to get deathdate etc.
I found the DMZ Zeitgeschichte in my search for “Der Freiwillige” and who was the owner of that magazin. To my knowledge did Patrick Agte take over the whole business of “Der Freiwillige”, but I found out that DMZ bought or was given to them from Agte a few years back.
One magazin costs aprox €8 but if you subscrib one year you can save a little money.
Get your free sample yourself and make your own opinion about the Magazin.