Home » Germaansche-SS in Nederland

Germaansche-SS in Nederland

Published: 21 January 2012
Last Updated: 07 April 2012

The Germaansche-SS in Nederland was formed on 11 September 1940 as the Nederlandsche-SS. It was technically a part of Anton Mussert’s Nationaal-Socialistische Beweging (NSB) and formed on his order but he was not interested in such an organization but was forced to agree by the Reichskommissar Dr. Arthur Seyss-Inquart.
Most of the original members (including the leader J. H. Feldmeijer) came from the Mussert-Garde, which was a bodyguard to Mussart but is was in many ways a organization similar to the German SS (which of course was formed as a bodyguard to Hilter). These were later joined by former Waffen-SS volunteers and service in the Waffen-SS was something that was expected of the members.

It was renamed Germaansche-SS in Nederland on 1 November 1942.

The requirements for membership included:
* 18 – 35 years old
* Proof of aryan descent back to 1800 (officers 1750)
* At least 1,75 m in height

The oath of the Germaansche-SS in Nederland was:
Adolf Hitler, leader of the Germanic peoples, I swear loyal and faithful obedience unto you, and those that you place in authority over me, unto death. So truly help me God!
Adolf Hitler, Germanic Leader, it is to you I swear loyalty, and to you and those that you place in authority over me obedience unto death. So truly help me God!

An organization of contributors to the Germaansche-SS in Nederland was formed 1941, the Instituut der Begunstigende Leben der Germaansche SS in Nederland (BL), usually called Begunstigende Leben. The BL was a copy of the German Fördernde Mitglieder (FM) and had 4.000 members in 1944.

Commander (Voorman der Nederlandsche SS)     

Johannes Hendrik “Henk” Feldmeijer (16 Sep 1940 – 22 Feb 1945)


Mar 1941 600
May 1942 750
May 1945 6.127



1. SS-StandaardGroningen
2. SS-StandaardArnhem
3. SS-StandaardAmsterdam
4. SS-StandaardDen Haag
5. SS-StandaardEindhoven

Sources used

Andrew Mollo – Uniforms of the SS: Collected Edition

Reference material on this unit

– None known at this time –