New book about Fritz Witt
Since a few days back is the new book about SS-Brigfhr Fritz Witt out on the market. As it´s written by peter Mooney and MArtin Stiles I am sure that it won´t dissapoint you as a reader. We have contributed with small parts to this book, and it´s always nice to see the end product.
You can order the book on LAH Publishings website , which you find here –
Below we show some content of the book. Enjoy!

SS-Strm Fritz Christen

Fritz Christen was the first private of the Waffen-SS to recieve the Knight Cross of the Iron Cross, he was awarded it in late 1941 after an heroic battle near Lushno, which was part of the Demjansk Kessel.
His batallion commander Georg Bochmann wrote the following in the recommendation for the award :
On September 24th, 1941 at around 12:00 noon, SS Sturmmann Christen, a gunner, used his 5 cm anti-tank gun to thwart an attempted breakthrough by 12-15 enemy tanks near Lushno from the firing position on the northern edge of Dubrowka, destroying 6 of the attacking tanks alone.
The firefight was carried out under heavy enemy artillery fire and heavy rifle and machine gun fire from close range. When around 10 enemy tanks attempted to repeat this breakthrough attempt at dawn on September 25th, 1941, gunner Christen again destroyed 7 of the attackers, so that the enemy infantry attack that was taking place at the same time also failed. In this battle, gunner Christen also fulfilled his duty in the gun position that was heavily under enemy fire until the breakthrough attempt collapsed.
In addition to his soldierly skills, SS-Strm. Christen demonstrated the highest fighting qualities and the will to destroy the enemy wherever he appeared through his cool-blooded and exemplary bravery.
SS-Strm Christen was awarded the EK II on 20.7.41 and the EK I on 24.9.41 for his brave service in the Eastern campaign. I request that SS-Strm Christen be awarded the Knight’s Cross of the Iron Cross.
The award was also approved by SS-Ogruf Theodor Eicke, General der Artillerie Hansen, Generaloberst Busch, Generalfeldmarschall von Leeb and finally Generalfeldmarschall von Brauschitz
About Fritz Christen as person we can tell the following, he was born on 29.6.1921 in Wredenhagen, his confession was “Gottglaubig”. His father was Wilhelm Christen, who was a forest worker and his mother was Martha Christen (born Holz). He was a member og the Hitlerjugen from 1932 to 1940, in may 1940 he volunteered for the Waffen-SS and was first sent to the SS-Pz.Jg.Ers.Abt. in Arolsen, but in september 1940 was he transfered to the SS-Pz.Jg.Abt. in the SS-Totenkopf Division. He was a member of the NSDAP since 1940, unfortuantely is the number unknown.
Fritz Christen survived the war and died on September 23, 1995 in Neusorg