Published: 28 December 2010Last Updated: 21 July 2013
The SS-Heimwehr Danzig was formed in June 1939 when the senate of Danzig decided to create a defense force. Himmler volunteered to raise it and SS-Sturmbann Goetze, of SS-Totenkopf-Standarte 4 Ostmark, was transferred from Berlin.
The Sturmbann was reinforced by an anti-tank company (Panzerabwehr-Lehrsturm der SS-Totenkopfstandarten) and 500 volunteers from Danzig. SS-Heimwehr Danzig was formally raised on 18 August 1939 and consisted of 1.550 men.
It fought in Danzig and the Westerplatte during the invasion of Poland and was formed II. and part of III./SS-Totenkopf-Infanterie-Regiment 3 of the SS-Totenkopf-Division after that campaign.
Known war crimes
On 8 September 1939 33 civilians in the Polish village of Ksiazki (Hohenkirch) were killed by soldiers of SS-Heimwehr Danzig. (1)
SS-Obersturmbannführer Goetze
Manpower strength
Aug 1939 1.550
Order of battle (July 1939)
Stab Kompanie
1. Schützenkompanie (SS-Hstuf Thier)
2. Schützenkompanie (SS-Ostuf Bredemeier)
3. Schützenkompanie (SS-Hstuf Braun)
4. Schützenkompanie (SS-Hstuf Urbanitz)
5. Schützenkompanie (SS-Hstuf Baier)
13. Grenadierkompanie (SS-Hstuf Schulz)
14. Panzerabwehrkompanie (SS-Hstuf Steiner)
15. Panzerabwehrkompanie (SS-Ostuf Leiner)
Feldpost numbers
FPN 09723 – SS-Heimwehr Danzig
FPN 24611 – Stab
FPN 24293 – 1. Schützenkompanie
FPN 31292 – 2. Schützenkompanie
FPN 31700 – 3. Schützenkompanie
FPN 32304 – 4. Schützenkompanie
FPN 33094 – 5. Schützenkompanie
FPN 33475 – 13. Grenadierkompanie
FPN 33832 – 14. Panzerabwehrkompanie
FPN 34799 – 15. Panzerabwehrkompanie
Notable members
Karl Leiner (son in law of Theodor Eicke)
The “SS-Heimwehr Danzig” cuff title was authorized for this unit.
(Courtesy of James Wilson)
A soldier wearing the SS-Heimwehr Danzig cufftitle
(Courtesy of Henry)
Other militaria
The Honor Pin of the SS-Heimwehr Danzig was awarded 10 October 1939 in Dachau to members of SS-Heimwehr Danzig.
(Courtesy of N & T Global Trading)
SS-Heimwehr Danzig flag
(Courtesy of Wikimedia)
Troops of SS-Heimwehr Danzig in Danzig 1939
(the armored car is a Panzerkraftwagen Steyr of Panzerkraftwagen-Zug der Landespolizei Danzig)
Soldiers from SS-Heimwehr Danzig guarding on the beach
(From “Danzigs Befreiung: Ein Tatsachenbericht mit Bildern” by Arthur Baßarek, 1939)
1. “Soldiers of Destruction” by Charles W. Sydnor and “Murderous Elite: The Waffen-SS and its complete record of war crimes” by James Pontolillo, page 70.
Sources used
Christopher Ailsby – Hitler’s Renegades: Foreign nationals in the service of the Third Reich
John R. Angolia – Cloth insignia of the SS
Arthur Baßarek – Danzigs Befreiung: Ein Tatsachenbericht mit Bildern (1939)
Dr. K-G Klietmann – Die Waffen-SS: eine Dokumentation
Rolf Michaelis – SS-Heimwehr Danzig 1939: An Ephemeral Paramilitary Formation – Polish Campaign, 1939
Andrew Mollo – Uniforms of the SS: Collected Edition
James Pontolillo – Murderous Elite: The Waffen-SS and its complete record of war crimes
Jacek Solarz – SS Verfügungstruppen 1939
Jacek Solarz – Totenkopf 1939-1943
Hanns Strohmenger – Danzigs Heimkehr Ins Reich (1939)
Charles W. Sydnor – Soldiers of Destruction
Gordon Williamson & Thomas McGuirl – German military cuffbands 1784-present
Reference material on this unit
Rolf Michaelis – Die SS-Heimwehr Danzig im Polenfeldzug
Rolf Michaelis – Sie kämpften für den Anschluss…. Der Einsatz des SS-Heimwehr Danzig im Polenfeldzug
Rolf Michaelis – SS-Heimwehr Danzig 1939: An Ephemeral Paramilitary Formation – Polish Campaign, 1939